The Consorzio per il Centro Interuniversitario di Biologia Marina ed Ecologia Applicata G. Bacci (hereafter CIBM) of Livorno is a no profit research institute established in 1967 whose legal status is a Consortium among the following public bodies: the Municipality of Livorno, the Universities of Pisa, Firenze, Siena, Bologna, Torino and Modena and the I.S.P.R.A. of Roma (Institute of Environmental Protection and Research).
What do we do?
Its activities of scientific research in the field of fishing and oceanography are acknowledged by the Ministry of Agricultural, Alimentary and Forestry Policies (D.M. n° 339, 1979 Dicember22nd). Since 1983 CIBM is signed in the national registry of scientific research institutes of the Ministry of Instruction, University and Research.The main mission of CIBM is to combine the needs of production activities with the environmental protection and management.
What do we promote?
CIBM carries out its own basic and applied research activities and operate as a consulting company in the field of environmental impact assessment both in marine and terrestrial environment. Scientific activities, performed by CIBM or with its associated research groups, deal with several aspects of Marine Ecology and Biology and topics related to Environmental Protection and Pollution such as benthic community ecology, fishery biology, environmental impact of human activities on marine habitats, experimental ecotoxicology as well as genetic studies.
Quality Certifications and Meaning of Accreditation
Since 2009 CIBM has earned the certification ISO (International Organisation for Standardization) 9001:2008 for the company standards and procedures. In addition, the process for the certification ISO/IEC 17025:2005 already begun and CIBM expects to perform the certification audit by the beginning of 2013.
Since 1984 in the field of fishery biology, CIBM is involved in many researches on the evaluation of demersal resources in the Tyrrhenian and Ligurian Sea through projects supported by the Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Alimentary and Forestry Policies and by the European Commission. Moreover since 2002, CIBM is the coordinator of the data collection activity (EC Regulations 1543/2000; 1639/2001;1581/2004; 199/2008) for the FAO Geographical Sub-Area 9.
What does it guarantee?
Accreditation guarantees users, through periodic technical checks by the Accreditation Body, on the competence and impartiality of the Laboratories in carrying out the Accredited tests. In Italy this function is performed by ACCREDIA (“Italian Accreditation Body”), the only national accreditation body recognized by the State on 22 December 2009, born from the merger of SINAL and SINCERT as a non-profit association, which performs a service in the public interest. With ACCREDIA, Italy has complied with the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council no. 765, of 9 July 2008, which from 1 January 2010 has been applied for accreditation and market surveillance in all EU countries.
Accreditation to test laboratories pursuant to UNI CEI EN ISO / IEC 17025: 2005 is granted by ACCREDIA on compliance with the requirements established by UNI CEI EN ISO / IEC 17025 and ACCREDIA prescriptions and relates only to tests for which the Laboratory has requested and obtained accreditation. The accreditation ensures, among other things, the use of qualified and competent personnel, the use of efficient and calibrated instruments, the use of suitable materials, the maintenance of environmental conditions such as not to invalidate the tests, the performance of a preliminary study of the performance of the method in its application by the Laboratory, through the validation and estimation of the repeatability and uncertainty of the result, where applicable. These skills are periodically verified through sample checks on the tests subject to accreditation and on the quality management system.
List of tests accredited by location
The Interuniversity Center of Marine Biology of Livorno CIBM has been ISO 9001 certified since 2009 for all company processes and managed to obtain, in December 2013, the Accreditation 17025: 2005 of laboratory tests, first in Italy for some important biological tests.